Adulteration in Milk & Milk Products, Check Adulterant at Home, Health effect of Milk adulterantation

Adulteration In Milk & Milk Products - Chapter - 5

5.1. Detection Synthetic Milk & Protein in Milk and Their Health Effect:
  •      Synthetic milk has a bitter after taste, gives a soapy feeling on rubbing between the fingers and turns yellowish on heating.
  •      The milk can easily be tested by Urease strips (available in the Medical stores) because Synthetic milk is devoid of protein.
Adulteration Check kit for Urea in Milk

Source / Purpose of Adulteration: 

Urea is used as synthetic protein, easily available on Agricultural store as a fertilizer/protein
is calculated by  % of Nitrogen present in milk, due to the presence of Nitrogen of Urea, on
analysis milk given higher value than actual value, that’s why milk supplier mix urea.

Loss/Health Effect: 

Failure of Kidney, Damage Heart and Liver.

5.2. Detection of Formalin in Milk:

Formalin in Milk

  • Take 10 ml of milk in a tests tube and add 5 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid from the sides of the wall without shaking.
  • If a violet or blue ring appears at the intersection of two layers then it shows presence of formalin.

Adulterant / Purpose of Adulteration: 
Formalin chemical available at chemical supplier for the purpose of preservation of dead materials/ Formalin enhances the life of milk and thus is added for preservation purpose.

Loss/Health Effect: Irritation and cancer.

Left- Preservation, Right- Analysis of Formalin


Detection of Vegetable oil (Vanaspati) in Milk #

  • Take 3 ml of milk in a test tube.
  • Add 10 drops of hydrochloric acid. Mix up one teaspoonful of sugar.
  • After 5 minutes, examine the mixture.
  • The red colouration indicates the presence of Vegetable oil in the milk.

Loss/Health Effect: Monetary loss, elevate cholestrol, diabetes and coronary ailments.

Source/ Purpose of Adulteration:Vegetable oil / Decrease the Manufacturing cost and increase fat %.

Detection of Urea in Milk #

  • Take a full teaspoon of milk in a test tube.
  • Add ½ teaspoon of soybean or arhar /Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) powder.
  • Mix up the contents thoroughly by shaking the test tube.
  • After 5 minutes, dip a red litmus paper in it. Remove the paper after 30 seconds.
  • A change in colour from red to blue indicates the presence of urea in milk.

Source / Purpose of Adulteration: Urea is easily available on Agricultural store as a fertilizer/ The Protein content is calculated by converting Nitrogen present in a milk. Urea being a rich source of Nitrogen is generally used to increase protein content in the milk. On testing protein coming from Urea will make a milk look as it contains lot of proteins.

Loss/Health Effect: Failure of Kidney, Damage Heart and Liver


Detection of Added Starch in Milk #

  • Take full tea spoon (2 ml) milk in test tube.
  • Add 2-5 drops of Iodine tincture or Iodine solution.
  • Within few second formation of blue color indicates the presence of added starch in milk.
  • The solution of iodine is easily available in the medical stores.

Source / Purpose of Adulteration: Starch is easily available at departmental store / Increase the Thickness of Milk and give Pseudo filling of higher quality milk.

Loss/Health Effect: Dental caries, Excessive intakes may displace nutrients and contribute to Obesity. Monetary loss.

Detection of Excess Water an adulterant in Milk #

  • One drop of milk putting an upper portion of polished slanting surface.
  • A drop of pure milk flows slowly and leaving a white trail behind it.
  • Whereas milk adulterated with water will flow immediately without leaving a mark or light mark.
 Source/ Purpose of Adulteration: Tap Water(may be contaminated) / To Increase the volume of Milk.

Loss/Health Effect: Monetary loss, Contamination with water


Detection of Mashed Potatoes and Other starches in Desi    Ghee #

Mashed Potato

  • The presence of mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes in a sample of ghee can easily be detected by adding a few drops of Iodine, 
  • which is brownish in colour turns to blue if mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes/other starches are present.

Detection of Blotting paper in Rabri #

  • Take a teaspoon of rabri in a test tube. Add 3 ml of hydrochloric acid and 3 ml of distilled water. 
  • Stir the content with a glass rod. Remove the rod and examine. 
  • Presence of fine fibres to the glass rod will indicate the presence of blotting paper in rabri.
blotting paper as adulterant in Rabri


Detection of Vegetable oil in Sweet Curd # 

  • Take 1 teaspoon full of curd in a test tube. 
  • Add 10 drops of hydrochloric acid. Mix up the contents shaking the test tube gently.
  •  After 5 minutes, examine the mixture. The red colouration indicates the presence of vanaspati in the curd.
Red- positive                  Negative                            

Detection of Vanaspathy or Margarine in Desi Ghee and Butter #

  • Take about one tea spoon full of melted sample of Ghee with equal quantity of concentrated Hydrochloric acid in a stoppered test tube and add to it a pinch of sugar. 
  • Shake for one minute and let it for five minutes. Appearance of crimson colour in lower (acid) of Vanaspati or Margarine.
  • The test is specific for seasame oil which is compulsorily added to Vanaspati and Mrgarine. Some coal tar colours also give a positive test. 
  • If the test is positive i.e. red colour develops only by adding strong Hydrochloric acid (without adding crystals of sugar) then the sample is adulterated with coal tar dye. 
  • If the crimson or red colour develops after adding and shaking with sugar, then alone Vanaspati or Margarine is present.

Detection Coal Tar Dye in Ghee, Cheese, Khoa, Condensed milk & Powder #

  • Add 5 ml of dil. H2SO4 or concentrated HCL to one teaspoon full of melted sample in a test tube. Shake well.
  • Pink colour (in case of H2SO4) or crimson colour (in case of HCl) indicates coal tar dyes.
  • If HCl does not give colour dilute it with water to get the colour.

Coal Tar Dye

Adulterant / Purpose of Adulteration: Coal tar Dye easily available at department store / Color make the product attractive and look like Pure product.

Loss/Health Effect: Brain Disorder and cancer.

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